3,000 producten gevonden in Akkerbouw
Herstellende landbouw
Weer en gewasbescherming
Het weer heeft een grotere invloed op gewasbescherming dan veel agrariërs de…
Crop Production and Horticulture
Crop production and horticulture are interrelated disciplines focused on harvest…
The Devil's Element
A New Yorker Best Book of the Year
"Lively…and thought-provoking…
"Lively…and thought-provoking…
Plant Pathology and Plant Diseases
This new textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspect of plant d…
Darwinian Agriculture
As human populations grow and resources are depleted, agriculture will need to u…
Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the conscious design and maintenance of …
The Ecological Farm
The Ecological Farm is a breakthrough resource for e…
Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment
Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment describes the relationship of agr…