Quantum field theory provides the theoretical backbone to most modern physics…
3,000 producten gevonden in Deeltjesfysica
Quantum Field Theory For Gifted Amateur
Wetenschappelijke bibliotheek 155 - Kernfusie
Een prachtig geïllustreerd boek dat beschrijft hoe onderzoekers proberen een ke…
Foundations of Nuclear and Particle Physics
This textbook brings together nuclear and particle physics, presenting a balance…
How To Teach Quantum Physics To Your Dog
A witty and informative guide to the fundamental laws which govern the univer…
Quantum Mechanics for Beginners
An introduction to the fascinating subject of quantum mechanics…
Modern Particle Physics
Unique in its coverage of all aspects of modern particle physics, this textbook …
Introduction to Elementary Particles
In the second, revised edition of a well-established textbook, the author strike…
Pocket Science 18 - Spookdeeltjes
Ze zijn overal om ons heen en toch volstrekt ongrijpbaar: neutrino’s…
Something Deeply Hidden
The Development of the Action Principle
The leading theme is how the action principle is applied to problems in classica…