A powerful and grippingly readable intervention into the 2020 US presidential el…
7,000 producten gevonden in Verkiezingen Referenda
The System Who Rigged It How We Fix It
Game Change
The gripping inside story of the 2008 presidential election, by two o…
Brexit Volume 3
Het Washington decreet
Vlak voor zijn internationale doorbraak met de Serie Q, de succesvolste misdaads…
The Gumshoe and the Shrink
The Gumshoe and the Shrink is a tale of political intrigue—a detective story a…
Fixing Elections
Fixing Elections shows our whole 18th-century Winner Take All political system, …
The Making of Donald Trump
**THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER that first revealed the Russia connection
…Dark Money
Why is America living in an age of profound economic inequality? Why, despite th…
Gevecht om Amerika
Waar zijn die Amerikanen nu helemaal mee bezig? Gaat het Trump echt lukken om de…
Double Down
In Game Change / Race of a Lifetime, the authors captured the full drama of Bara…